When he was 10 years old, my father died of coco chanel online illness unfortunately. Mother afraid to let him wronged, refused to go to suck it up, he grew up custody. He knew the mother's hard work, tell yourself: study hard, earn a lot of money in the future, later must let mom to live a good life.
He was 20, alone to chuang world. The foreign life is difficult to fight, he work company and rented house changed several place. Because don't want to let mother followed his drift from place to place, he told himself, and settled down to pick up my mother come, later must let mom to live a good life.
He is 25 years hermes bag old when, in a foreign capital enterprise, strong desire for traction with his performance KuangSheng all the way. He was subjected to the management of the company's attention, promoted very quickly, hands is a deal for savings. He told himself: I want to save enough money to buy a house of his own, later must let mom to live a good life.
He was 30 years old, have the ability for the room. The manager suddenly come to him, because he said, preparing to send his outstanding performance to study in the United States, in the United States after the expiration of the job. Corporation The other side of the country and the mother to a more beautiful dream? He told himself: I want to make one more big business, later must let mom to live a good life.
His age 35, one day, received relatives overseas phone call--his mother, for chanel bags online cerebral haemorrhage sudden death.
Strong regret thorn have to he was black and blue all over, those who he will give the mother's "good", when he wanted to do or has the ability to do more perfect, the mother but can't wait.